Get an Instant Robo Call Quote Now
Robo calls are the fastest, easiest and most cost-effective way to tell voters why they should vote for you.
Robo Calls Work
Our proprietary software tool allows you to send an automated message almost instantly to voters’ telephones.
Robo calls are a proven technique to:
- Excite your supporters and make sure they vote on Election Day.
- Communicate important news like events and endorsements to your supporters or target voters.
- Respond quickly to last-minute attacks from your opponents.
- Persuade independent, swing and undecided voters that YOU are the right candidate who deserves their vote.
Cost Effective
Robo calls are the most targeted and least expensive form of voter contact.
Simply upload your list and record your message. Yes, it’s that easy!
Reach voters immediately — and Get Out The Vote!
Set the Record Straight
Instantly respond to your opponent’s last-minute attacks.
Get Your Message Out
- Our tool ensures that you can send the right message to the right people at the right time.
- Most elections are decided by a small number of votes — so get your message out.
- We dial each number up to six times — more than any other service we know of — so your message has the best chance of getting through to voters.
Data Visualization

- After robo calls are sent, you will receive an email granting you access to our secure site where you can review the specific results of your call.
- Unlike other vendors, we believe in full transparency about what work was done on your behalf — so you can be confident that your message is getting out and connecting with voters.
Do robo calls really work?
They sure do. Almost every winning campaign, all the way up to presidential races, uses them. Your message can be sent to thousands of voters almost immediately. And robo calling is far cheaper than direct mail or television and newspaper ads. What we have done is made it fast and easy to use them.
Don’t voters find robo calls annoying?
Studies show that the people most annoyed by robo calls usually don’t vote! Click here for tips on designing an effective robo call. Hint: It’s generally a good practice to avoid placing calls at dinnertime.
How much do robo calls cost?
Thanks to our state-of-the-art technology and the high volumes we handle, we offer some of the most competitive rates in the industry. Unlike many of our competitors, we have NO set up fees, NO design costs and NO hidden fees! Click here to find out exactly how much your robo call campaign will cost based on how many calls you want to make.
Is a minimum number of calls required?
No. We can work with you no matter the size of your campaign budget. In fact, we love working on small local races!
What should I say in my robo call?
Good question. Here are some examples of what to say in your robo call:
General Call:
[Example 1] Hi, this is Betty McDowell, and I am running for first selectman. The education of our children can no longer continue to be underfunded. As first selectman, I will cut waste, fraud and abuse from our town’s budget and redirect those funds to making class sizes smaller and upgrading the technology in our local schools. I hope I can count on your support on Election Day. It’s time to put our children first. This is Betty McDowell, and I am running for first selectman. Thank you.
Endorsement Call: Hello, this is James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and Family Talk radio. I have decided to endorse Donald Trump for president of the United States, not only because of my great concern about Hillary Clinton, but also because I believe Mr. Trump is the most capable candidate to lead the United States of America in this complicated hour. I am also very enthusiastic about the selection of Governor Mike Pence as Mr. Trump’s running mate. Together, I believe they will make America great again. Please join me in support of the Trump/Pence ticket on Election Day. Thank you!
GOTV (Get Out the Vote) Call 1: Good evening, this is Mitt Romney. I am calling to ask for your vote on Election Day so we can end Barack Obama’s reign of out-of-control spending. Simply put, his programs are placing our country’s future at risk. As president, I will cut taxes to get businesses hiring again so we can rebuild America’s great middle class, which has been absolutely clobbered by this president. Please make sure you vote — I need your vote and I need your support.
GOTV (Get Out the Vote) Call 2: Good evening, this is Bill Clinton calling. I am asking you to come out and vote Tuesday to make Hillary our next president. Your vote will make us stronger together. You know it because Hillary’s spent a lifetime doing it. Those of us who have more yesterdays than tomorrows tend to care more about our children and grandchildren. The reason you should elect her is that in the greatest country on earth we have always been about tomorrow. Your children and grandchildren will bless you forever if you do. Thank you and remember to vote on Tuesday.
When should the calls be sent?
We find that calls are best sent during the day — ideally between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. We actually think it’s preferable to reach voters’ voicemails or answering machines, so voters can listen to your message at a time that’s convenient for them. That means when they check their messages — and NOT after they have just sat down to dinner with their families or when they are watching their favorite prime-time TV shows!
Do you have any tips for designing an effective robo call?
Click here for tips on designing an effective robo call. Hint: it’s generally a good practice to avoid placing calls at dinnertime.
How do I make a high-quality recording?
You should record your message in a quiet location without a lot of background noise. Voters will be less likely to listen to a message that’s full of static or traffic noises. The best and easiest way to get clear, crisp sound quality is to record your message as a voice memo file on your cellphone and send that to us. We have tried every system imaginable, and robo calls recorded on cellphones are usually so clear that voters can mistake them for a live conversation! How to record a message on the iPhone or Android: Audio Recording Help
How soon can the calls go out?
When you place your order, we will ask you to indicate when the calls should be placed. You can choose to send them immediately, the following day or sometime in the future. We can place thousands of calls per hour, so we are able to be flexible. Calls can be placed 7 days a week, but note that orders placed after 9 p.m. local time will be sent the following day. We recommend that calls be sent during the day — ideally between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. — and not during evening hours.
How does it work?
We dial the numbers that you provide us. (If you don’t have access to voters’ numbers, click here to buy a list.) When a voter picks up the phone, or we reach an answering machine or voicemail account, we play your prerecorded message. Unlike our competitors, if the line is busy, we will call back — up to six times for each number.
Can you dial cellphones?
At present, the FCC prohibits robo calls to cellphones. If caught placing robo calls to cellphones, a campaign can be fined up to $1,500 per call. Some of our competitors continue to send robo calls to cellphones in clear violation of FCC rules (FCC Enforcement Advisory ). We will follow the law and not put our clients in legal or political jeopardy.
What about numbers on the Do Not Call Registry?
The FCC permits candidates, campaigns and interest groups to call anyone. Robo calls are considered free speech and are protected by the First Amendment.
What happens if you reach a person’s voicemail or answering machine?
We think it’s actually preferable to reach voters’ voicemails or answering machines, so voters can listen to your message at a time that is convenient for them. They will receive the call when they check their messages — and NOT just after they have sat down to dinner with their families or when they are watching their favorite prime-time TV show!
How should I format my number lists?
We can use almost any kind of data file but prefer .csv and .txt files. If you have multiple lists to send us, just compress them into a single .zip file and send that. Your list MUST include the area code in the file you send us. Our system will only recognize 10-digit phone numbers. Your list can be in any of these formats:
(111) 222-3333
111 222-3333
111 2223333
Do you sell lists of voters' phone numbers?
Yes! We are happy to help. Start by sending us some basic information. Click here to begin.
What Caller ID will appear on people’s phones?
With our software, you can program any number you want as the number that will display on voters’ phones. We recommend using either the campaign’s main number or the candidate’s listed home number. It’s probably not the best idea to use the candidate’s cellphone number!
How do I know my calls went out? Will I get a report when my calls are finished?
After you place your order, you will get a unique username and password to access a secure data review portal on our website. After we have finished dialing, you will get an email letting you know that you can log in and view the results of the calling. Most other vendors don’t give you a report of the calling — we do!
Will you sell my list?
Absolutely not! We treat client confidentiality very seriously and your list will never be sold to anyone. We wish we could say the same for some of our less ethical competitors.
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